Saturday, April 30, 2016



Luis Rosa and Caterina Marques Rodrigues comment, in the Observador, newspaper of Portugal, about José Carlos da Silva, Ricardo Rodrigues and Paulo Ribeiro, who in July 2014 were declared arguidos (suspects) in the Madeleine case, according to journal Correio da Manhã of July 2, 2014.

Luís Rosa y Caterina Marques Rodrigues comentan, en el periódico Observador de Portugal, sobre José Carlos da Silva, Ricardo Rodrigues y Paulo Ribeiro, quienes en julio de 2014 fueron declarados arguidos (sospechosos) en el caso Madeleine, según el diario Correio da Manhã del 2 de julio de 2014.

According to the Observador, "the Polícia Judiciária considers that there is no evidence to incriminate the three suspects." On the other hand Portuguese journal Público reports that the Polícia Judiciária received no request from the British authorities to question again Jose Carlos, Ricardo and Paulo.

De acuerdo al Observador "la Polícia Judiciária considera que no hay indicios que incriminen a los tres sospechosos". Por otro lado el diario Público de Portugal informa que la Polícia Judiciária no recibió ningún pedido de las autoridades inglesas para volver a interrogar a José Carlos, Ricardo y Paulo.

Officially rule out suspects who are known to the public is a good practice. Remember when Scotland Yard, officially through Andy Redwood, discarded the parents of Madeleine and their group of friends as suspects (see video below).

Descartar oficialmente sospechosos que son conocidos por la opinión pública es una buena práctica. Recordemos cuando Scotland Yard, oficialmente a través de Andy Redwood, descartó a los padres de Madeleine y a su grupo de amigos como sospechosos (ver video abajo).

If José Carlos, Ricardo and Paulo are discarded in the investigation, authorities should make an official statement, as was done with the parents of Madeleine. It would be good for the three mentioned men, for their families, for their friends, and for all the people who know them.

Si José Carlos, Ricardo y Paulo están descartados en la investigación, las autoridades deberían hacer un anuncio oficial, como se hizo con los padres de Madeleine. Sería bueno para los tres hombres mencionados, para sus familiares, para sus amigos, y para toda la gente que los conoce.

And even if that were the case, that none of the three was involved in the abduction of Madeleine, I still think that the crime was a "burglary that went wrong".

Y aun si ese fuera el caso, que ninguno de los tres estuviera implicado en el secuestro de Madeleine, sigo pensando que el crimen fue un "hurto que terminó mal".

Did Christian Brückner commit a burglary 55 metres from 5A three months before Madeleine's abduction?

In his excellent book  "My search for Madeleine" , Jon Clarke reported that one of the SIM cards found in 2016 in Brückner's f...