Sunday, November 26, 2017


My up to date hyphotesis about Madeleine McCann case:

- The offender opened a window from the outside with the intention to steal values such as money, mobile phones, credit cards, or jewelry, approximately at 21:45/21:50 (there were two burglaries, one week and 17 days before the abduction of Madeleine, respectively, in the same block of apartments, and with the same modus operandi).

- Jane Tanner saw the abductor carrying Madeleine in arms,  close to 5A apartment, approximately at 21:50/21:55.

- The Smith family saw the abductor carrying Madeleine in arms, some 500 meters from 5A apartment, at approximately 22:00/22:05.

- The offender walked between 6 and 10 minutes with Madeleine in arms through the streets. He had no car.

- The abductor lived and/or worked in the area of Praia da Luz. He knew quite well the zone.

He commited his crime alone, or at most had only an accomplice, being of total confidence. 

Meanwhile Scotland Yard Operation Grange officially said in April 2017 that "[i]n 2013 the team identified four individuals  [including J.C. and R.] they declared to be suspects in the case. This led to interviews at a police station in Faro facilitated by the local Policia Judiciária, and the search of a large area of wasteland which is close to Madeleine's apartment in Praia Da Luz. The enquiries did not find any evidence to further implicate the individuals in the disappearance and so they are no longer subject of further investigation" (Mark Rowley).

Portuguese Polícia Judiciária officially said in May 2017: "We never saw or looked at those people [including J.C. and R.] as suspects of the crime" (Pedro do Carmo).

Why two police forces had such a different view on the same subject? While the Portuguese police never considered them suspects, the British police kept them as suspects for more than three years, investing a lot of money in their investigation.

Why J.C. and R. were discarded as suspects?

Were J.C. and R. the "charity collectors" who visited the house of I. and R. at 16:00, asking for money, the very same day of Madeleine abduction? It was at I. and R.'s home, which is very close to Madeleine's apartment 5A.

There remains a lot of questions. For example: was Madeleine McCann carried to this place immediately after been abducted? Was this place searched thoroughly? Who were working at this place on May 3, 2007?

Saturday, May 20, 2017



Scotland Yard Operation Grange officially said in April 2017 that "[i]n 2013 the team identified four individuals [including JC and R] they declared to be suspects in the case. This led to interviews at a police station in Faro facilitated by the local Policia Judiciária, and the search of a large area of wasteland which is close to Madeleine's apartment in Praia Da Luz. The enquiries did not find any evidence to further implicate the individuals in the disappearance and so they are no longer subject of further investigation" (Mark Rowley).

La Operación Grange de Scotland Yard oficialmente dijo en abril de 2017: "[e]n 2013 el equipo identificó cuatro individuos [incluyendo a JC y R] que fueron declarados sospechosos en el caso. Esto llevó a entrevistarlos en la estación policial de Faro, facilitada por la Polícia Judiciária local, y a la búsqueda en una gran área de terreno baldío que se encuentra próxima al apartamento de Madeleine en Praia da Luz. Las diligencias no encontraron ninguna evidencia para implicar a estos individuos en la desaparición, así que ellos no son más sujetos de la investigación" (Mark Rowley).

Portuguese Polícia Judiciária officially said in May 2017: "We never saw or looked at those people [JC and R] as suspects of the crime" (Pedro do Carmo).

La Polícia Judiciária de Portugal dijo oficialmente en mayo de 2017: "Nosotros nunca vimos o miramos a esa gente [JC y R] como sospechosos del crimen" (Pedro do Carmo).

This is the true mystery in Madeleine McCann's abduction: why two police forces have such a different view on the same subject? Why the Portuguese police never considered them suspects? Why the British police keep them as suspects for more than three years, investing a lot of money in their investigation? How can it be explained? Can the Portuguese and British police ever explain it? They should explain it.

Este es el verdadero misterio en el rapto de Madeleine McCann: ¿Por qué dos fuerzas policiales tienen tal diferente visión en el mismo tema? ¿Por qué la policía portuguesa nunca los consideró sospechosos? ¿Por qué la policía británica los mantuvo como sospechosos por más de tres años, invirtiendo un montón de dinero en su investigación? ¿Cómo puede explicarse esto? ¿Podrán las policías portuguesa e inglesa explicarlo alguna vez? Deberían explicarlo.

And more questions: Why do not JC and R want to talk about the case? When will the Portuguese police and British police close the investigation, and give broad explanations about the case? What did they? How did they proceed? How did they discard all the followed clues?  And so on ...

Y más preguntas: ¿Por qué JC y R no quieren hablar del caso? ¿Cuándo la policía portuguesa y la policía británica cerrarán la investigación, y darán amplias explicaciones sobre el caso? ¿Qué hicieron? ¿Cómo procedieron? ¿Cómo descartaron todas las pistas seguidas? Etcétera ...

Saturday, May 06, 2017



I was focusing on two aspects of the Madeleine McCann case in the last years: the "burglary that went wrong" hypothesis, and the alleged involvement of two men in the crime: José Carlos and Ricardo (see "A Question" in the right column of this blog).

Me estuve enfocando en dos aspectos del caso de Madeleine McCann en los últimos años: la hipótesis de que fue "un hurto que salió mal", y la supuesta participación de dos hombres en el crimen: José Carlos y Ricardo (ver "Una pregunta" en la columna derecha de este blog).

About José Carlos, Ricardo, and another suspect, Paulo, I had written in April 2016: "If José Carlos, Ricardo and Paulo are discarded in the investigation, authorities should make an official statement, as was done with the parents of Madeleine. It would be good for the three mentioned men, for their families, for their friends, and for all the people who know them."

Acerca de José Carlos, Ricardo, y otro sospechoso, Paulo, había escrito en abril de 2016: "Si José Carlos, Ricardo y Paulo están descartados en la investigación, las autoridades deberían hacer un anuncio oficial, como se hizo con los padres de Madeleine. Sería bueno para los tres hombres mencionados, para sus familiares, para sus amigos, y para toda la gente que los conoce."

Scotland Yard Operation Grange officially said in April 2017 that "[i]n 2013 the team identified four individuals [including José Carlos and Ricardo] they declared to be suspects in the case. This led to interviews at a police station in Faro facilitated by the local Policia Judiciária, and the search of a large area of wasteland which is close to Madeleine's apartment in Praia Da Luz. The enquiries did not find any evidence to further implicate the individuals in the disappearance and so they are no longer subject of further investigation."

La Operación Grange de Scotland Yard oficialmente dijo en abril de 2017: "[e]n 2013 el equipo identificó cuatro individuos [incluyendo a José Carlos y Ricardo] que fueron declarados sospechosos en el caso. Esto llevó a entrevistarlos en la estación policial de Faro, facilitada por la Polícia Judiciária local, y a la búsqueda en una gran área de terreno baldío que se encuentra próxima al apartamento de Madeleine en Praia da Luz. Las diligencias no encontraron ninguna evidencia para implicar a estos individuos en la desaparición, así que ellos no son más sujetos de la investigación."

Obviously Scotland Yard considered the two men to be suspects for more than three years. It was very hard to discard them. And although they have been discarded, I continue focusing on the "burglary that went wrong" hypothesis. In my opinion, that was what happened in this case. I think that Madeleine was abducted and killed by a local burglar, who carried her in arms for more than 700 meters, in a general direction to the SouthWest of Praia da Luz, to dispose her body.

Obviamente Scotland Yard consideró a los dos hombres sospechosos durante más de tres años. Fue muy difícil descartarlos. Y aunque ellos han sido descartados, yo continúo enfocándome en la hipótesis del "hurto que salió mal". En mi opinión, eso fue lo que pasó en este caso. Pienso que Madeleine fue raptada y muerta por un ladrón local, quien la llevó en brazos por más de 700 metros, en una dirección general hacia el SudOeste de Praia da Luz, para disponer de su cuerpo.

And in April 2017 Scotland Yard said: "... one of the hypotheses was 'could this be a burglary gone wrong?' Someone is doing a burglary, panicked maybe by a waking child, which leads to Madeleine going missing. [...] so it was a sensible hypothesis, it’s still not entirely ruled out."

Y en abril de 2017 Scotland Yard dijo: " ... una de las hipótesis fue '¿podría ser esto un hurto que salió mal'? Alguien que se introduce para robar, entra en pánico al ver una niña que se despierta, y eso lleva a la desaparición de Madeleine. [...] así que esta fue una hipótesis sensible, que no está enteramente descartada."

And I think that what Operation Grange and/or Procuradoria Geral da República have to do to solve the case, is to locate the burglars that were active, close in space and time to Madeleine's abduction. Who illegally entered apartments 4A, 5L and 5G, for example?

Y pienso que lo que la Operación Grange y/o la Procuradoria Geral da República tienen que hacer para resolver el caso, es localizar los ladrones que estuvieron activos, próximos en espacio y tiempo al rapto de Madeleine. ¿Quién entró ilegalmente a los apartamentos 4A, 5L y 5G, por ejemplo?

The last two months I have been collaborating with the London BBC Panorama TV program "Madeleine McCann Ten Years On" producer, sending material and thoughts, including the demonstration that the window of the McCann's apartment can be opened form the outside without damage.

Los últimos dos meses estuve colaborando con el productor del programa de la BBC de Londres Panorama, "Madeleine McCann Ten Years On", enviando materiales e ideas, incluyendo la demostración de que la ventana del apartamento de los McCann puede ser abierta desde el exterior sin dañarla

El caso Madeleine McCann (7)

 Subtitles in English